100% result at St Mary’s

Every year Marians do us proud and this year was no exception. St. Mary’s scored a 100 % result in the 10th Standard Board exams yet again. This is a proud moment for the Teachers and Management of St. Mary’s and goes to prove that commitment and hard work always brings about the right results.  

Our Topper Sarvesh Sadanand Shinde secured 95.20 %. A close second was Pooja Arjun Khati who secured 94.40 %. The hard work of our students and our dedicated teachers are the reasons why St. Mary’s in the best CBSE board school in Kalyan. 

Our students claim that their teachers guided them well, paying individual attention and focussed on concept clearance. Innovative and up to date teaching aids help achieve this goal. Students are also encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities, which keeps stress at bay. One to one counseling helps when a student is stressed or feels pressured.  

However, it must be said that our students were as determined to score well and make a mark for the school as the teachers and the management. Every student gave their best and was motivated and appeared for the exams in the true spirit. And this is what made all the difference! 

We once again wish and congratulate our toppers and every student who appeared for the exams and have set the standard high for the future batches at St. Mary’s.