Arya Gurukul, Nandivali and St. Mary’s High school organises a special function on Maharashtra Day.
Arya Gurukul, Ambernath observed Maharashtra Day and Labour Day on 1st May,2022 to commemorate the day when the state was formed back in 1960. The day fills us up with pride and gratitude for the land of the Marathas and the immense opportunities it has provided to each one of us. This day coincides with International Labour Day which recognises the contribution of the labours who strive hard to help us in the smooth functioning of our institutions.
The event was given an auspicious start with the traditional lighting of the lamp and applying the Chandan tilak to all. The event unfolded by hoisting the Indian flag by Swamini Nishkalananda Ammaji, in the presence of Dr. Neelam Malik, Director, AryaGlobal, Ms. Bhumika Ray, Design Head, Mr. Deepak Verma, Sports Director, Mr. Nilesh Rathor, Principal, and other dignitaries. The National Anthem and patriotic songs were sung to mark the day.
The Labour Day celebrations were held whereby Principal of Arya Gurukul, Ambernath, Mr. Nilesh Rathor welcomed the entire housekeeping staff of AryaGlobal schools- Arya Gurukul, Nandivali and Ambernath, St.Mary’s High School, Kalyan and Little Aryans Pre-K. They were given a chance to express themselves through dance, songs, poems and other performances.
To show a token of appreciation and a mark of gratitude, the entire staff was presented with sarees and cloth materials.
Wonderful messages were shared on this day that recharged everyone. Ammaji shared many stories highlighting the importance of labour and their hard work. Her stories also drew out the importance of loving one’s motherland.
Dr. Neelam Malik expressed her love for the land by saying that India has a 100 Rashtras, but only one is the greatest- Maharashtra.
Mr. Nilesh Rathor said that together, all stakeholders can ensure that our next generation is prepared to face the future and pave their path to success.
Therefore, the events invoked a sense of happiness in the work that all do in building the future of our nation and shaping the minds of the future citizens of Maharashtra and of Bharat.