Dear Parents,  

  1. You are requested to cooperate with the Principal and staff for the effective functioning of the school and the well-being of child. 
  2. Parents are co-educators, so it is essential for you to mould the character of your ward and instil discipline. 
  3. In the child’s interests, it is very essential for him/her to imbibe self-discipline. The teacher will make the child understand that any in-disciplinary act will lead to a consequence which the child may have to face. We wish to avoid using the word punishments which can harm the child’s self-esteem. 
  4. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours. Snacks is to be had in the school itself. 
  5. The child is not permitted to give ‘treats’ to other children in the school premises. 
  6. Each child is different. The school and home environment must be congenial for building the child’s self-esteem to enable him/ her to confidently take up the challenges that come his/her way.
    1. The school insists on strict punctuality, regular school attendance, cleanliness in dress, general grooming and fidelity to study and work assignments. Absence from school for simple social functions is strongly discouraged. 
    2. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed and at the end of the session, the pupils are expected to move in due order and silence along the corridors, to the exit. 
    3. Books, magazine, comics unethical articles and CD’s from outside should not be brought to school. If found guilty, strict disciplinary action will be taken. 
  7. Pupils are advised to speak only in English in order to acquire fluency and command over the spoken language. 
  8. Students must wear school ID cards daily. 
  9. The remarks made by the teacher in the calendar and the answer papers must be signed by the parents. Please guide your child accordingly without undue pressure. 
  10. Our school strongly discourages private tuition. The teaching program in the school is good enough for the students to perform well, provided the student pays attention in class and knows his/her responsibilities. The habit of self-study and regularity in reading, attending school and completing assignments must be encouraged at home. Parents should not engage their own school tutors. 
  11. Giving gifts to any member of the staff/school authorities is strictly prohibited. 
  12. If a student is found to have done damage to the class/school property, the parents/ guardian will have to make good the losses. 
  13. Refrain from making derogatory remarks/comments about the school/staff in public or in front of your children, who are students of the school, because by doing so, the child’s attitude towards the school becomes unhealthy. 
  14. Avoid using the school as the meeting place for airing your grievances. Please communicate your problem in writing if they have to be solved. Avoid anonymous letters. Constructive criticism in the interest of the children, with possible solutions are welcome. 
  15. Parents cannot dictate terms to the School Administration since the Administration has the right to say on what terms and conditions they will admit and retain pupils in their school. The decision of the school authorities shall be final. 
  16. Do make it a point to attend all school functions and the PTC. Your child should know that you are interested in his activities. Parents Day Programs enable you to see your child exhibit his/her talents on stage and these merits your presence in order to encourage him/her. 
  17. Please let the mother teacher know of any congenital disorder / physical / psychological or emotional problem of your ward to enable the authorities to take care during an emergency. 
  18. You are free to talk to the mother teachers on any working Friday of the month after taking a prior appointment. [12:00 pm to 01:00 pm] 
  19. Parents must notify the school in case of change of address or telephone numbers. 
  20. Parents may contact the school on the phone numbers listed on the first page of this calendar. But please refer to the diary where you may get the information you need. 
  21. Ensure that your ward is regular with his work and studies. 
  22. Ensure that you give healthy food in your child’s tiffin. 
  23. Report cards will not be handed over to the fee defaulters. 
  24. Do not give excessive money/valuable/expensive stationery etc to your child. The school cannot be held responsible for any loss of the same. 
  25. The child should report to school at least 10 minutes before the bell. 
  26. If the child has an injury/accident in school, First Aid is given at the school Health Care Centre. If it is serious, the parent is informed. In an emergency, the child may be immediately hospitalized. Teachers are constantly alert to ensure the safety of your child. 
  27. A cumulative file is maintained for each child. This is passed on to the successive teachers as the child progresses to higher grades. At the end of the child’s tenure in the school, parents should ensure that this file is handed over to them. 
  28. Parents attendance for the Parent Teachers Conference is obligatory. 
  29. Parents should use the forms provided in the calendar/school diary for communication. 
  30. Do not be a dictator to your ward. Try to understand what your ward has to say. In case you need help from School/Principal please do not hesitate to communicate. The objective of the school is well being of your ward. 
  31. Be a friend, philosopher, and a guide to your child. 
  32. Parents must carry the Parent Identity Card during their visit to school. 
  33. Parents can Email their queries to the IDs listed below:
    • Help us to help you, 

      • Principal                 :  
      • Head Mistress       :  
      • School                     :